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Our Motto

Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation is doing Jewish differently. That means we’ve kept what is meaningful and valuable from our Jewish inheritance while being open to new ideas and ways of expressing our Jewish connections that reflect our values. It also means expanding what counts as “doing Jewish;” as our Rabbi Adam Chalom wrote:

"What is “doing Jewish”? It could be reading Jewish literature, from Torah to today, for insight and discussion. It could be preparing Jewish food for a holiday or special occasion. Singing Jewish music, studying Jewish history, traveling to Jewish sites – all the activities that Humanistic Judaism has emphasized count in addition to more conventional examples like attending Jewish services and studying Jewish texts."

There are many ways to explore who we are and what we do, on holidays or any day. And that includes our innovative approach to membership, where you can choose your annual financial commitment!

Humanistic Judaism

We celebrate Jewish identity and culture by replacing worship with a belief in human responsibility and equality – for us, it’s about people, not prayer. If your parents’ version of Judaism isn’t relevant to your beliefs and lifestyle, or if you haven’t found a Jewish community that fully accepts your life partner and their family heritage, then Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation and Humanistic Judaism might be the right fit for you.


We value learning at all ages. Rather than reciting and memorizing texts, we want to understand our world and the Jewish experience, and we teach our children how to make their Jewish connections and their personal values their own. Our custom B Mitzvah [gender neutral term] celebrations are unique to each child and family.

Are you thinking about how to expose your children to Jewish culture and identity?  Your family is welcome to ‘try out’ our Sunday School by visiting their grade’s class for the day.  We hold weekly Sunday School classes for students through confirmation.  Each class has a well-defined curriculum, covering topics in Jewish history, literature and culture.  We encourage children to value their Jewish identity and to think for themselves.  Our whole school -- students, teachers, and families -- come together to celebrate Jewish holidays as well as for special programs on Jewish culture, community service activities and more.  Please contact Ilana Shaffer at or 773-209-8266 to schedule a ‘Try Out’ or with questions.


We observe Jewish holidays and life-cycle events with innovative liturgy that honors our traditions and stimulates our hearts and minds. We genuinely look forward to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services (and they’re 90 minutes or less and mostly in English)! Guests are very welcome at our celebrations. You can find out more about our High Holidays here, or hear past High Holiday sermons through The Kol Hadash Podcast. Join us for any of our Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services for adults, families. or tots.


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Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785