When generous people donate to Kol Hadash, they can choose from several different funds to direct their gift: to support the school, the choir, Values in Action, and more. One fund I want to highlight this week is the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund. This fund is designed to privately help people (Kol Hadash members and others) who are in need. It could help pay utility or medical bills, cover a mortgage payment, or otherwise help lift the burden just a bit for those who need help. All those in need would need to do is to email me at rabbi@kolhadash.com or call 847-383-5184 to discuss the situation and let me know how I can help. Payment goes directly to the biller, and it is 100% confidential. If you know someone who could use some short-term but meaningful financial help digging out or getting stabilized, please let me know! I realize that asking for help is one of the hardest things to say (as it is for me too), which is why I am extending this explicit invitation.
Media Roundup
Rabbi Chalom and Kol Hadash have been active recently! Here are some links in case you missed them.
- This past Shabbat Kol Hadash welcomed a special musical guest "The Stereotypes" from Washington University in St. Louis (featuring KH alumnus Noah Apley) for Rabbi Chalom's annual "The Year in Review" service and sermon.
- With the official release date of Contemporary Humanistic Judaism: Beliefs, Values, Practices, reviews are now open on Goodreads and Amazon.
- A new and very positive review of the book also just appeared in The Jerusalem Post this week!
Friday, January 17, 2:45pm
Fort Sheridan Metra Station
As we embark on the new calendar year, we resolve to build a more positive future for ourselves and those we care about.
In that spirit, we're sharing the video from our Shabbat service "What Comes Next? Rebuilding in Jewish History" that reflects on the ways our people have been inspired to recover from moments of disaster.
Watch the video here: https://bit.ly/4gKbxhS
We need Oneg hosts for March 28 and April 18. If you would like to host an Oneg or have questions about hosting, please contact Victoria Ratnaswamy at vlzr126@gmail.com.
Do you need a babysitter? We can connect you with several of our KH member teens and young adults (and, they are current and former Sunday School Class Aides). Please contact youthed@KolHadash.com for a list.
Mazel tov to Daniel on the celebration of his Bar Mitzvah - a wonderful exploration of Exodus 32 and the concepts of commandments and good deeds
Mazel Tov to Andrea and Mark Friedlander on their new grandson Miles Bailey Friedlander!
Do you have news? We'd love to share it. Engagements, Weddings, Babies, B Mitzvahs, Anniversaries, Graduations, Awards, Nominations, Appointments, Honors, Achievements. Email Jeremy in the office at info@KolHadash.com with YOUR news.
Honor a mitzvah, wedding, a yartzheit, passing, or other special event with a donation. Celebrate a friend or loved one or wish them well in a time of difficulty by making a donation in their honor.
Sunday, January 19
our Sunday School at Deerfield High School
B Mitzvah Prep Class for 6th/7th graders
Sunday School
Mondays at 11:45am
Di Pescara in Northbrook Court
Join us at Di Pescara’s in Northbrook Court for canasta & lunch. Great fun! Everyone invited! Questions? Contact Joyce Hirsch 847-446-6949 or jah231@comcast.net
Tuesday, January 21, 7:30pm
The window of Jewish political self-determination opened by the Maccabees was slammed shut by the Roman Empire. Some Jews, like King Herod the Great, prospered in cooperation with Rome. Others challenged Roman authority and were destroyed. The wreckage they left, however, would be the building blocks of the Judaism of the Rabbis.
The clash between Moses and Pharaoh is the stuff of legends. Plagues and wonders, suffering and deliverance, hope and despair. Even if it never actually happened, it is certainly moving! This week’s Torah portion, Vaera (Exodus 6:2-9:35), we find detailed descriptions of the Passover plague recitation, and they definitely complicate the ethics of Egyptian suffering.
This is our Yahrzeit service for the month. The following names will be read at our Shabbat Service. If you would like to add a name, donate in memory of a loved one, or have any questions, please contact Jeremy at info@KolHadash.com.
Bill Brinkman, Sheldon Brottman, Helen Chase, Jerry Cole, Evelyn Dribin, David Dribin, Joseph Eisenberg, Hilda Eisenberg, David L. Fishman, Edward Freund, Muncie Friedman, Miriam Gurewitz, Hattie Kahn, Shepard Kass, Harold Kirsner, Doris Libman, Philip Lieb, Ernest Linick, Esther Linick, Ben Meisenberg, Fannie Moses, Marilyn Muroff, Muriel Paseltiner, Harold Rodin, Evelyn Rosenzweig, Bobbye Sarasohn, William Sheck, Sharon Shepard, Bessie Shlensky, Morris Shlensky, Mary Smiley, Bertha Sonshine, Sol Spiegel, Mary Spiegel, Diane Teich, Charles Weigley, Lois Wolens, Robert Zeleny
Have you missed a recent Shabbat Service or want to re-watch one you enjoyed? Follow this link to view past programs.
in-person at NSUC
& Online
Children age 3-6 years with their grown-up join Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation with Rabbi Adam Chalom for holiday stories, songs, crafts and fun! Each child will decorate their own special object - something different for each holiday - to take home. We will have a holiday-themed snack, too. There is time for adults to schmooze (chat) and connect with other parents with young children. Questions to Youth Education Director Ilana Shaffer at youthed@kolhadash.com or 773-209-8266
*Kol Hadash Sunday School parent community gathering with breakfast (of course!), coffee and tea.
*Complimentary childcare for younger siblings.
*Member parents with a 1st-5th grader need to attend this meeting which includes your child/ren's teacher. Their teacher will provide information about the class curriculum, activities, projects, etc and will answer your questions.
*Talk through recent past family holiday programs as we use this feedback to shape next year's programs; and, share your thoughts on upcoming family holiday programs while they're still in the planning phase.
Questions? Contact Ilana Shaffer, at youthed@KolHadash.com or 773-209-8266.
Free and open to everyone! Non-members can pair it with Sunday School Tryout so your child can join their grade’s class for the day. There is no expectation of a commitment by attending.
Have you wanted to make challah (traditional braided egg bread for Shabbat) yet were hesitant to do so on your own? Join with other adults at Kol Hadash as we learn and make challah together. At the end of this class, you’ll bring your challah home to bake it. All are welcome to join this free program. Please register so we can have supplies for everyone.