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Doing Jewish Learning Differently

Our goals for Jewish learning prioritize independent thinking, asking questions rather than memorizing answers, cultural literacy, and understanding the Jewish historical experience then and now. Our diverse congregation encourages our LGBTQ+, interfaith and intercultural families to participate with their full selves.

We offer a full range of Youth Learning and Adult Education opportunities.



Whether you call it Sunday School, Jewish learning, or Jewish cultural literacy, our Youth Learning program provides a non-theistic Jewish education for all students. Humanistic Judaism is a good fit for students whose families identify as Culturally Jewish, Just Jewish, Jew-ish, Jewish and . . . , Half-Jewish, Interfaith, Jews by Choice, Multicultural, Not Religious, Secular, Humanistic, Atheist, or/and Agnostic.

Our approach of “Doing Jewish Differently” includes “learning Jewish differently.” In short, we have everything you would want in a Jewish learning experience: information, experiences, fun, inspiration. We want our children to be good people who find personal meaning in their Jewish identity. What makes us distinct is our emphasis on asking questions rather than memorizing answers, making choices rather than obedience, and focusing on people rather than faith. Learn more about our Sunday School.


Children age 3-6 years with their grown-up join Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation with Rabbi Adam Chalom for holiday stories, songs, crafts and fun! Each child will decorate their own special object - something different for each holiday - to take home. We will have a holiday-themed snack, and, there is time for adults to schmooze (chat) and connect with other parents with young children. Learn more here.



Our Sunday School teachers are all members of Kol Hadash, comfortable with our philosophy and enthusiastic about helping children and families explore their Judaism meaningfully. Rabbi Adam Chalom, who is a fantastic speaker and discussion leader, is actively involved in our Youth Learning and leads our Adult Education programs. Learn more about our Sunday School Teachers and Rabbi Chalom.



Hebrew music and holiday vocabulary is part of every grade in our educational program. Rather than memorize prayers by rote, our students are introduced in 5th and 6th grades to Hebrew as a language for reading, basic vocabulary and simple conversation in preparation for their B Mitzvahs. Learn more about our Hebrew program.



Our B Mitzvahs (a gender-inclusive term covering Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah) are profoundly personal: students may select any Torah portion or other relevant topic for their presentation, and families work with our rabbi to create a custom and meaningful service. Giving students ownership over their B Mitzvah service is consistent with our Sunday School’s goal of fostering critical thinking and encouraging students to make their own Jewish choices. Learn more about our unique B Mitzvah experience.



Our 8th-9th grade Confirmation program helps students answer the key question, “What do I believe?” The Comparative Religion curriculum opens their eyes to the wider world while helping them clarify their own values. Learning how to ask good questions is just as important as knowing your own answers. Learn more about our Confirmation class.



To see if our Sunday School is a good fit for your family, children of any age are welcome to join their grade for a class session with no commitment or obligation. Our Youth Learning program is both meaningful and affordable, and our innovative membership model works for any budget. Learn more about our Sunday School tryout and tuition.



Our Adult Education curriculum is rooted in Jewish identity, while exploring broader issues involving history, philosophy, comparative religion, current events, literature and science. Learn more about our Adult Education programs, or you can watch past programs on our YouTube channel playlist.



Useful Youth Learning Information
Sunday School FAQ                                      Family and Youth Events Calendar             Curriculum and Teachers
Adult-Tot Programs                                      Family Holiday Celebrations                          Sunday School Registration
Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785