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Kol Hadash Vision and Mission

Vision Statement (What does Kol Hadash aspire to be?)  A vibrant and inclusive Jewish community known for “doing Jewish differently” by replacing worship with human knowledge, responsibility, and action.

Mission Statement (What is the “purpose” of Kol Hadash?) Provide opportunities to create and celebrate a meaningful Jewish life through personal enrichment and communal action.

Values Statement (What does Kol Hadash stand for?)

VALUE 1.  Inclusive community: A place where people of diverse backgrounds and identities make strong personal connections as active, integral participants in a meaningful Jewish community.

VALUE 2. Learning: A place for all ages to explore Jewish history, life and culture—and the human experience—through critical questioning and bold creativity.

VALUE 3. Judaism and Humanism: Connect and collaborate with the wider Jewish community and Humanists worldwide on issues of shared concern.

VALUE 4. Action: We accept responsibility for solving human problems and making the world better.

VALUE 5. Legacy: We celebrate our cultural inheritance and our creative freedom, and we work to pass on both to future generations.

Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785