Adult Tot Programs

Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation welcomes everyone to celebrate Jewish culture in a secular way. Our member families identify as Culturally Jewish, Just Jewish, Jew-ish, Jewish and . . . , Half-Jewish, Interfaith, Jews by Choice, Multicultural, Not Religious, Secular, Humanistic, Atheist, and/or Agnostic.
Introduce your young child to secular celebrations of Jewish holidays through songs, stories and hands-on activities.
Children age 3-6 years with their grown-up join Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation with Rabbi Adam Chalom for holiday stories, songs, crafts and fun! Each child will decorate their own special object - something different for each holiday - to take home. We will have a holiday-themed snack, too. There is time for adults to schmooze (chat) and connect with other parents with young children.
- 9:30-10:30am is for 3-6 year olds with their grown-up
- Open to everyone – with advance registration, please
- Free for Kol Hadash members, $10 per class for all others
- Siblings are welcome at either class.
Please contact our Youth Education Director, Ilana Shaffer, at or 773-209-8266 with questions about our Youth Education.